Products 1-3 of 3
Chix Heavenly Flame - 68304 Smoke/Black 68304
Item #: 68304 -
Dealer Cost:Login
Availability: IN STOCK
Item #: 68304 -

    Chix Heavenly Flame 68304 - Smoke/BlackStyle sent from heaven, with just a touch of hell. Smoke lenses in a black frame with pink-to-purple flames. A little bit of wrong can be just right.(Classic Smoke/Black 6830 also available.)

    Heat - 4440 Light Silver Mirror Lens/Silver Metal Flames 4440
    Item #: 4440 -
    Dealer Cost:Login
    Availability: IN STOCK
    Item #: 4440 -

      Heat 4440 - Light Silver Mirror/Silver Metal FlamesThis glass definitely brings the Heat. Rimless silver mirror lenses and a padded frame set them apart, but it's the carved silver flames that makes these fiery shades stand out.- Rimless wrap with dark smoke mirror lenses- Thin padding inside frame for added protection- Small rubber pad on arm ends for added grip and comfort- Lightweight- 100% UV protection